Don't close your eyes

With the slogan “Don't close your eyes. We can end fistula,” a new public service announcement stresses the importance of ensuring access to emergency obstetric care and skilled health professionals—especially midwives—to all women to prevent and help ensure treatment for obstetric fistula.

The PSA, to be launched in African countries in 2012, was developed by the Brazilian illustrator Rodrigo Mafra, based on the soundtrack created by Grupo UAKTI. “As artists, we need to alert society about fistula, hoping that the necessary investments are made so that this issue becomes history,” said Marco Antônio Guimarães, UAKTI’s leader. Fistula is a childbirth injury caused by the lack of skilled attendance during prolonged, obstructed labour. If every woman had access to adequate and timely care, we could end fistula.



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